The Russian invasion of Ukraine. It’s an invasion. It’s not a special military operation. It’s an invasion. It’s wrong, it’s reprehensible, and it’s a clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty.
The death toll in Palestine since October 2023 is stark and confronting. It speaks to what is now an unassailable fact, that since the inception of the state of Israel, one side has clearly had the upper hand. The death toll continues to grow. To date, approximately 44,500 Palestinians have died courtesy of Israeli retaliations. On the other hand, Israeli body count is around 1200. The ratio is clear. One Israeli life is worth 37 Palestinian lives.
In a protracted conflict of Biblical proportions, an eye for eye this ain’t. And let’s not speak of the unfortunate series of flawed policies and ricketty patch-ups that’s led too many of otherwise reasonably sane mind to the conclusion that it’s all good and well if the right side has got the upper hand. The right side. Never mind that not so many years ago the United Nations proclaimed that no one human life is worth more than another. Of course, the truth hurts because no one from any part of the economic south actually ever believed these great UN declarations. They were waiting for political leadership that would lead them into the light, to potable water, adequate nutrition, and perhaps even basic life-saving medical interventions, like paediatric vaccinations. Wait, is this in reference to past times, or present-day Palestine? Israel’s special military operations into Palestine and the occupied territories is akin to Russia’s march through the Ukraine, except that in Israel’s case, it’s been going on since the mandates arising out of the second World War, and the world at large, notwithstanding how murderous successive Israeli governments’ policies have proven, support it.
Two conflicts, two special military operations, and each similarly characterised by hugely unequal power relations between opposing sides. For those whose regard for human rights is not mere talk, let’s call a spade a spade. Cease and desist the semantical acrobatics.
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